BOD Meeting Minutes – October 19, 2020

Marymoor Trails
Board of Directors Meeting
October 19, 2020

Marymoor Trails Board of Directors convened via Skype on Monday October 19, 2020, at 10:06AM.  Attending: Michael Niksa, President; Josh Gibson, Treasurer; Van Chesnutt, Landscape; Jerimiah Willhite, Special Projects; Linda O’Hara, Secretary; and Tim Hollingshead, Morris Management.

Homeowners Forum

No homeowners attended, so we proceeded to general business.


  • Gene re-sealed all PSE meter boxes that were replaced. Several boxes remain to be replaced by PSE.  It is up to owners to work with PSE, not an HOA responsibility.  Please follow up with PSE if your meter is not yet digital.
  • Gene’s crew has worked on a few odds and ends off the maintenance list.
  • Workers went up on the roof of Bldg. E to patch an inspection hole from last year. 
  • Resident requests approval for replacement front door, with a clerestory window at the top. Steel door, fire resistant, white, conforming style with the appearance of the unit.  These owners have done a lot of quality upgrades.  Board approved.

Landscape Update

  • Sprinklers have been blown out and have been turned off for the year.
  • Premiere Landscaping replaced many sprinkler heads this year. Van says we do not anticipate this expense next year.
  • Van met with Premiere Landscaping in regard to shrubbery behind Unit H-129.   The placement originally planned has too many trees and roots. Will be replaced with a shrub, not a tree, similar to other bushes back there.
  • Bodine has completed all pipe work for Bldg. L.  Bodine submitted a further proposal for Van’s review, regarding installing two new drain access points near Bldgs. L-M.  Van is reviewing, has not yet given Bodine approval to proceed.

Special Projects

All special projects are on hold due to coronavirus.

Building B

We have been planning an October engineering evaluation of Bldg. B to measure the foundation. Consulting Project Manager Jehan Bharucha took detailed engineering photos of Bldg. B and saw absolutely no movement at all.  This is very good news.  Jehan does not recommend we spend any money on an additional survey at this time.

Tim Hollingshead updated the Marymoor Trails resale certificate in regard to Bldg. B issues to reflect the current knowledge of the situation.

Roofing Inspection

Michael and Tim provided an update roofing report with information from Jehan Bharucha, Consulting Project Manager. 

The Engineering Consulting Firm Certa came out with Jehan’s team and Tacoma Roofing, who was willing to come out and give us an inspection and report at no cost.  They opened inspection points on several buildings to get a clear look inside. Certa will give the Board a report on their findings, and we are waiting for that. 

In the meantime, Jehan says all roofs are not in equally bad condition. Jehan recommends we re-roof Bldgs. E and M relatively soon. Tacoma Roofing did not see any internal damage on Bldgs. B, C and D.  They also said the granular loss is not as bad as it looks on Bldgs. B, C and D.  Jehan says we can likely get several more years out of quite a few roofs, although nothing close to 16 years, the supposed remaining life expectancy. 

The Board will wait for the report from Certa regarding what needs to be done.  In Bldg. E, two additional skylights that were added by a previous owner will be removed during re-roofing to address moisture accumulation issues from the original problem report. 

The Board looks forward to Jehan and Certa’s detailed comprehensive report.  We may or may not have it in time for the November Board Meeting.

Treasurer’s Report – 2021 Budget Planning

Looking ahead to 2021, Michael and Josh did a detailed analysis of 2020 expenses and variances, the Reserve Study, and known major expenses for 2021. Tim prepared three proposed budgets, each with a with different rate of HOA dues increase:  3.5%, 6.0%, and 10.0%.  The Board discussed the advantages and disadvantages of each.  Josh and Michael worked carefully to see if we can avoid a 10% dues increase — they both see 3.75% as a little low. The Board unanimously agreed to go with the middle of the road dues increase.  A motion made and seconded to approve the compromise budget with 6.0% dues increase.

Michael and Josh tried to account for things correctly, and still have money in reserves for re-roofing Bldgs. E and M if needed.  The Board’s objective is to insulate our community from special assessments when possible.  Part of the goal here is to spread out roof repair costs and do a smaller chunk right now and try to cover that out of our reserve funds, while keeping our reserves functional and solvent.  We are also carefully calculating the cost of re-siding the buildings with composite materials, such as HardiePlank.  This will save money on future painting and maintenance expenses.  Michael has had painting discussions with Casa Bonita, who says our existing cedar siding is about at the end of its ability to be repainted (though not in all areas). 

Budget Ratification Meeting with Homeowners

Next item – a budget ratification meeting needs to be set up with Marymoor Trails homeowners.  This is a recent legal requirement from the State of Washington.  This gives homeowners an opportunity to object to the 6.0% dues increase, if they think this is unreasonable.  Given coronavirus, an in-person meeting is out of the question.  We will send an invite to everyone in the community to attend via Skype.  Tim will send a paper notice, and also send it out electronically.  Legally, if less than 50% of homeowners object, the budget is ratified. 

As a note, this is NOT the Annual Meeting which occurs in February — it is a special meeting now required by law.  We will do it ahead of the November Board Meeting at 10AM on Monday November 16, allowing people out of town or at work to call in. 

Next Meeting:  The next meeting will be Monday November 16, 2020 at 10:00AM via Skype.  We will start with the Budget Ratification Meeting to be followed shortly by the standard Board Meeting. There will be no meeting in December.