Board of Directors Meeting – May 17, 2021

Marymoor Trails
Board of Directors Meeting
May 17, 2021

The Marymoor Trails Board of Directors meeting convened at 10:00AM May 17, 2021.  Participating: Michael Niksa, President; Josh Gibson, Treasurer; Linda O’Hara, Secretary; and Tim Hollingshead, Morris Management. Van Chesnutt, Landscape, unable to attend, provided a written update.

Homeowners’ Forum

No homeowners requested to attend so we proceeded to regular business.

Treasurer’s Report

  • Our delinquencies are extremely low. Utilities are starting to increase, due to the season of the year with more water use. We had a decent project management expense due to Bldg. B issues, plus a foundation payment of $1500 for a foundation survey of Bldg. B.
  • Tim renewed insurance this year, and it was a 5-6% increase rather than 10% as expected. Tim had been advised of 10%-300% increases for some associations. This could be due to multiple insurance claims.
  • Tim has received the 2022 Reserve Study and will send it to the Board. There were no big surprises in it. Michael and Josh will review it.
  • TYCO- Johnson Controls – Tim continues to experience delays in invoicing and billing from TYCO. Tim cannot figure out what the problem is. We do not get bills and then after a couple of months we get a bunch. Therefore, we see these big chunks of payments in our financials.

Buildings Report

Michael did an inspection with Gene to assess repairs and maintenance:

  • Elastomeric decks are looking good. Gene will re-treat elastomeric decks with a liquid coating as necessary, routine maintenance for this type of deck. Some decks are difficult to assess on the walk around as they have no stairs. If Gene finds elastomeric decks that need substantial work, he will advise the board.
  • Michael and Gene targeted 6-10 decks for replacement with Trex this year. Gene has put the materials on order as it will take some time for building supplies to arrive.
  • One wall of building siding needs to be replaced.
  • Painting estimate from Casa Bonita is $7000 for targeted areas.
  • Three fire boxes have siding behind them that is in sad shape. We will likely need an electrician to work with Gene, Tyco, and City of Redmond to turn it off and do the work.
  • One PSE old analog electrical meter still needs to be replaced. Michael has advised owner they need to call PSE and have it replaced.
  • There was one deck with a rug on it – Tim has contacted the owner to remove it. Rugs on decks dramatically accelerate deck aging.
  • Roof update: We received the as-built architectural plans for the buildings, but Certa has not provided Tim and Jehan with the scope of work that will be needed.

Landscape Report

Van provided a written update on key landscaping developments. Van received a report and proposal from Bodine Construction regarding water pooling and drainage behind Bldgs. J-K and addressing underground drainage to prevent water intrusion.

The good news is that the work we thought was needed for Bldg. K, regarding pooling of water behind the building has been resolved with little work. As a result, the invoice for the work is about $3500 less than anticipated.

The letter/ proposal from Bodine is proposing two pieces of work for Bldg. J. The big one is to repair some underground drainage issue to prevent water intrusion into the garage of unit #J-135.  The total for all is $4735 + tax.

Van recommended we go ahead and authorize this the work Bodine is proposing, and this was approved by the Board.

Management Report

  • Dryer Vent Solutions will clean all dryer vents August 23. No interior access required.
  • We are awaiting the final report from Jehan Bharucha following an inspection of Bldg. B by structural engineers. Detailed measurements were taken. We will report back as soon as we know anything definitive.
  • Board votes to hold off on exterior window washing idea for this year.
  • For fire safety, we will have chimney cleaning this year.  This requires interior access to each unit. We will work with Emerald City Chimney Sweeps. We have worked with them, they are reasonable, and do good work. Tim will schedule, and we will manage access to every unit, just as we do for interior fire and smoke alarm inspection.
  • TYCO has advised Tim that we need to upgrade some communication equipment in our fire alarm panels. We don’t have to do a whole complete $8000 replacement per unit, but they need to upgrade the units at $885 per unit, for 5 units. Total cost of about $5000. Without this we will not be able to communicate with the fire department. We all approve to do this by end of the year as cellular phone companies will be turning off their older technologies in 2022.

Next Meeting — Monday June 28, 2021 at 10:00AM via Zoom.