Preventing Water Damage Due to Frozen Pipes & Faucets

Dear Marymoor Trails Residents,

We received a very good set of precautions from our plumbing contractor, telling us how to minimize damage during the cold months. A member of the Board asked that we pass this on to our residents.


Preventing Wet Basements Due to Frozen Pipes & Faucets.

We have so many calls in April and May because the hose bib froze and cracked during the winter. The pipe then leaks into your basement when the hose faucet is turned back on. 
A) Please remove garden hoses from the hose bibs / faucets. 
B) To prevent this from happening, drain and turn off outdoor faucets and irrigation systems. 
C) If you have an older type of outdoor faucet that isn’t freeze proof, cover it with a hand cloth, plastic bag and rubber bands. These items can be found around your home. Another option is to use a styrofoam faucet cover which usually falls off.

·         Heating tape can prevent freezing

·         Keep heat in your home at a minimum of 55 degrees Fahrenheit

·         Allowing faucets to drip overnight can prevent freeze buildup in pipes

·         Disconnect all outside hoses from the garden hoses (keep them off).


Protect this. Disconnect garden hoses. 

See video:  


Steve Bodine – 
Owner that started in the trenches just like our valued workers in the field.

(206) 300-8031 – cell 

Bodine Construction Services, Inc.

Where experience equals value.” 6009 212th St SW Lynnwood, WA 98036

Cell: (206) 300-8031

Main: (425) 778-2557

Eastside: (425) 881-2577