BOD Meeting — March 16, 2020

 Marymoor Trails
Board of Directors Meeting
March 16, 2020
10:00AM Conference Call

The meeting was called to order at 10:03AM.  Due to coronavirus concerns, the meeting was conducted by conference call. Participating were:  Michael Niksa, President; Josh Gibson, Treasurer; Van Chesnutt, Landscape; Jerimiah Willhite, Special Projects; Linda O’Hara, Secretary; and Tim Hollingshead, Morris Management.

Homeowners Forum


Treasurer’s Report

As part of a banking transition at Morris Management, we are closing out all US Bank accounts to consolidate everything in new accounts at Pacific Premier Bank.  Statements are starting to come in.  Starting in April, Josh will receive a complete set of statements for all accounts.  Tim got the signed draft audit in and completed a Reserve transfer.


We are still in our quiet season, so not a lot of repairs are happening now.  All contractors are either out sick or hiding from coronavirus.  We still plan to do an  April-May walk-around with handyman Gene as well as Casa Bonita painters.  Painting will likely be delayed this year, but will take place.

  • Bldg E – Water encroachment investigation continues inside a unit.  Engineer Jim Riley of Certa Building Solutions inspected inside.  Found multiple possible points of water: condensation in vaulted ceiling, edges of skylight, degraded shingles, and/or windows.  Jim will follow up with formal proposals for short and long-term remediation plans.

Jehan Bharucha, our project manager, did a drone survey of all roofs in the complex for the shingles.  There appear to be only a few patchy spots on six buildings.  Jehan says we can do patch fixes to address this.  We want to get prorated warranty reimbursement from the roofing manufacturer.  Only the one roofing piece on this unit looks especially bad – and the unit in question is the only one with a skylight in the bedroom.  Skylight installation was done at previous owner request with no thought as to how this would affect moisture build up and air flow.  It may need to be removed.  This will be followed up at the April meeting.

  • C-110 – There is a storm of ants coming in from the top of the condo.  It looks like the seal is failing.  Owner is to email Tim and notify him; Tim will call Rose Hill Glass.  Caulking is falling out; replacement of caulking is usually done when painting.
  • Bldg F Dishwasher Leak – Waiting for insurance money to come in.  Master Policy adjusters all agree with Tim on reimbursement rates.  They have issued some checks.  Tim is awaiting one more.  When all are received, one check will be issued to the owner.  This is expected in the next thirty days.


  • Attention residents:  Please remember to remove your garbage, recycle, and compost containers from the main driveways after trash day.  Thank you.
  • Drains – Bodine will clean drains near Bldgs. L-M-N soon, about May. We will also schedule work to be done in May on Bldg. L, the worst drain situation.  Good news about drains is that when work was done on Bldgs. I-J, this fixed some of the drainage problems around Bldg. L.
  • Dead Trees – Resident in C-112 requested removal of a dead tree behind the unit. The City of Redmond says the trees are ours, and we can do what we want.  Van will see if Premier Landscaping can take care of it.   
  • Tree Fertilization – Davey Tree will fertilize our trees in the next couple of weeks.
  • Tree Replacement – We will not replace the removed tree in the greenbelt.  Trees have been removed in past years between Bldgs. I-J and between Bldgs. J-K in planters.  Trees have also been removed from the slope behind Bldg. M.  We will look at replacing these.  It is possible that we’ll get a tree canopy grant from City of Redmond.  There may be a tree fund, as part of a small city initiative.  Van will investigate and report back to the Board.

Old Business

  • Tyco Bldg. G-125 Interior heat detectors installation work is done.  The Association is awaiting reimbursement from the owner.
  • Bldg. B-108 – We continue to see no movement in the foundation crack.  Next detailed engineering survey and measurement is planned for October 2020. 

    Next action:  Homeowner to send email pictures to Tim showing the damage to interior.  When Tim receives this information, he will ask Jehan to go out and assess the situation.  This will be revisited at the April meeting. 

  • Asphalt – the asphalt patch in front of Bldg. J was fixed.  The vendor did a good job.  While the crew was out here, they rebuilt the berm at the entrance that directs water down the street.  Water now goes down Old Redmond Road.

Non-Essential Projects – All non-essential projects are on hold due to coronavirus.  Replacement of exterior light fixtures on garages is on hold, as is adjustment of directional sign height. 

Thank you to the people who volunteered at the Annual Meeting.  We appreciate your help.  All non-essential projects are on hold.  We will contact you when the coast is clear.

Next meeting is April 20, 2020 at 10:00AM via conference call. Please contact Tim Hollingshead at Morris Management if you want to participate in Homeowners Forum.